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Sunshine Loans

Australian Credit Licence Number 390556

ACN 092 821 960

About Us

The rainy day fund experts

Hello Sunshine! We offer express loans from $2,050 to $2,500

What do we mean by the rainy day fund experts? Well, under ideal circumstances everyone would have a little rainy day fund tucked away for when the unexpected happens or disaster strikes. But sometimes it never rains, but it pours! And Sunshine Loans is here to lighten up your life with express loans from $2,050 to $2,500.

If you need money in a hurry, you've come to the right place. We're committed to our responsible lending obligations, which includes making accurate assessments of each and every application. But we've devoted a whole team of developers to build swift assessment tools and a paperless application process.

The initial application should take around 5 minutes to complete. One of our experienced team members will assess your application, using computed-assisted analytical tools to speed up the process, and they'll send you back a loan offer and contract.

The contract is an online one; we only need your electronic signature, so no need to worry if the printer's broken or you don't have a scanner. Once you've signed electronically, the funds will be transferred to your bank account immediately.

A lot of customers return to us many times, so we've made it easier for them by having an even shorter application process for previous customers. They also leave plenty of testimonials, which we love, because we pride ourselves on being helpful, informative, honest, and cheerful.

Lighten up your life today with Sunshine Loans.