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Sunshine Loans

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The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting for Your Wedding

Your perfect day is rarely cheap and wedding budgets almost always blow out. However, with our handy wedding budget checklist and our top tips to cutting back on those unnecessary nuptial costs, you'll be able to stay true to your wedding budget without skipping on class!

The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting for Your Wedding

Stay on top of your wedding budget with our handy guide

At first glance, you might be overwhelmed at your sizeable wedding checklist in comparison to your limited wedding budget.

Take a deep breath.

Your dream wedding doesn't have to stay a dream. Figuring out what you're prepared to cut back and compromise on will help you work out what is really important to your big day, and how to make it a reality.

It's a good idea to get in early and secure big-ticket items like your ideal venue, entertainment, and catering. It can be chaotic and competitive – to say the least – so it is important to arm yourself and your partner with all of the essential knowledge to make informed decisions on all of your wedding costs.

Many couples who begin to book their suppliers months or even years ahead are shocked to find they have suddenly overspent their wedding budget, long before the actual countdown to the wedding. That is why Sunshine Loans has put together a free Ultimate Budget Wedding Guide to make sure you stay on course, without sacrificing your perfect day.

Free wedding budget spreadsheet

To track your cash flow, we recommend our handy and free wedding budget spreadsheet. Plan and stay on track of your spending for your big day with our easy to use wedding finance planner.

Remember to review your budget and checklist. Confirm all your bookings with your suppliers and go over what their service procedure will be on the day. At the end of this process, if you have been lucky enough to stay under budget, you should have some extra savings to spend on your honeymoon!