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Sunshine Loans

Australian Credit Licence Number 390556

ACN 092 821 960

Credit Guide

We're committed to responsible lending! As part of our commitment, we're providing this credit guide. It's essentially a collection of vital information about our small loan offerings, all in the one place for you.

A handy page of important information

Contact Details:

50 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise Q. 4217
PO Box 823, Surfers Paradise, Q. 4217

TEL: 07 5526 8866
Support: support.sunshineloans.com.au

Australian Credit Licence Number: 390556

Complaints and Disputes:

If you have a complaint or dispute with Sunshine Loans please use our internal dispute resolution procedure by contacting:

Mr Sascha Stienen
The IDR Manager,
50 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise Q. 4217
PO Box 823, Surfers Paradise, Q. 4217

TEL: 07 5526 8866
EMAIL: complaints@sunshineloans.com.au

If an issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.

Website: www.afca.org.au
Email: info@afca.org.au
Tel: 1800 931 678 (free call)
In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Responsible Lending Obligations

By law, we are required to:

  • Make reasonable inquiries about your requirements and objectives in relation to your credit contract with us, and your financial situation.
  • Take reasonable steps to verify your financial situation.
  • Assess whether any credit contract with us is unsuitable for you.
  • Not provide you with credit which is unsuitable.
Copy of Suitability Assessment

Before Contract. If you ask for a copy of our assessment of your suitability for the credit contract before entering into the credit contract, we must provide you with a written copy of the assessment before entering into the credit contract.

Within 2 Years. If you ask for a copy of our assessment of your suitability for the credit contract after entering into the credit contract, but within 2 years of its starting, we must provide you a written copy of the assessment within 7 business days.

Within 7 Years. If you ask for a copy of our assessment of your suitability for the credit contract after entering into the credit contract, but within 7 years of its starting, we must provide you a written copy of the assessment within 21 business days.